Grow Your Business with Digital Marketing [An Expert Interview with Jean Ginzburg]

Whether you own a small- or medium-sized business, generating leads and converting them into buying customers through the use of digital marketing is imperative in order to grow your business. Essentially, the ultimate goal of digital marketing is to drive traffic to your website, where consumers can contact you and make a purchase.

Over the last few years, online marketing has become very involved and a winning strategy now needs to include disciplines such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content marketing, pay-per-click campaigns, influencer marketing, etc. In particular smaller businesses frequently struggle to implement and execute strategies that will yield the desired results. A great way to get started is by taking a digital marketing course.

There’s also a ton of free information available on the web. In an effort to provide the readers of our blog with “bite size” and “easy to digest” information, I enjoy interviewing fellow online marketing experts and then make the information available as a YouTube video. In my latest interview, I had a chance to speak with Jean Ginzburg. Jean recently wrote a book called Win New Customers: How to Attract, Connect and Convert More Prospects into Customers in 60 Days Using Digital Marketing Strategies, and I enjoyed speaking with her about the book. In the 20-minute interview, she shares tips and strategies that anyone can implement immediately. I hope you’ll find the time to view the recording of the interview:

If you don’t have time to watch the interview, I’ll share three tips that Jean provided.

1. Identifying Your Target Market is Key

A big part of Jean’s book is about identifying your target market and understanding who your customers are, including their pain points and challenges. Once you really understand your audience, you can figure out the best way to help address their pain points with your products and services through the use of digital marketing.

The concept of understanding your target market has come up several times lately, including in an interview I did with Josh Steimle, digital PR expert, and in a webinar I conducted with Rachel Dankof, Social Media Manager at SocialSEO. Both Josh and Rachel also stressed the importance of understanding your audience, including gathering information such as demographics, goals, values, challenges, pain points and social media behavior. During the interview, Jean showed a template that she uses with her customers, which is also available in her book.

2. Reaching Your Target Audience Using Facebook Ads

Did you know that there are over 2 billion people globally on Facebook? And there are 240 million people on Facebook in the U.S. With these huge numbers, Facebook is a great way to reach your target audience. There really isn’t one specific strategy to use with Facebook as each business and audience is different.

Using Facebook ads is one strategy that can be effective. Facebook ads enable you to create a campaign based on demographics, location, interests and more. Retargeting users from Facebook using ads, which is what I’ll cover next, is another way to get users to visit your website.

3. Retargeting Users from Facebook

Retargeting users is a low-hanging fruit way to bring users back to your brand, whether it’s your website or social media postings. Basically, you create another Facebook ad and then serve it up to that specific audience. For those visitors who’ve already engaged with your brand, whether they’ve read some content on your website or viewed a YouTube video, retargeting brings them back to you. Anyone who’s already engaged with your brand to some extent is more likely to further engage with it, so you want to capture this audience.

Retargeting involves placing code on your site to enable it to talk to Facebook. You can retarget visitors to your website, your email list or users who have engaged with your Facebook content. Here’s an example:

Retargeting Example

Image source: AdwordsRobot

In this case, the user visited Cole Haan’s website to search for boots. Using retargeting, an ad for the boots then appeared on the user’s Facebook page as a reminder to engage with Cole Haan’s website. Retargeting is one way to reach an audience that’s already engaged with your brand to some extent.

Upcoming Digital Marketing and Social Media Classes in Denver and Boulder

Online marketing is a must in order to compete in today’s competitive landscape. To learn more about how digital marketing can boost your company’s bottom line, I invite you to attend one of our upcoming social media marketing courses in the Denver area.

Reach out with any questions you may have and follow our LinkedIn Company Page for additional tips and best practices.

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